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How to Safely Heat Your Home During the Holidays

Christmas tree

During the cold winter months, you rely on your heating system to keep your home comfortable and warm. However, using the heater improperly may cause a fire, putting you and your family at risk for injuries or even death. Thus, it is important to follow these practical safety guidelines to avoid hazardous conditions during the holiday season.

There are 3 categories that relate to heating safety in your home during the holidays:

  1. Equipment. Before the winter weather begins, you should have your chimney, furnace, and heating unit professionally inspected to ensure the system is clean and in proper working condition. Furthermore, you should perform regular maintenance on all your heating equipment to ensure the components do not become corroded or rusty.
  2. Decorations. Holiday decorations are fun and cheerful. However, they often pose a major fire hazard. Be sure to use only fire-resistant decorations, and keep all decorations at least 3 feet away from vents and other heat sources. Christmas trees should also be watered every day to ensure they do not become dry, which would make them easily flammable.
  3. Children. When considering heating safety, you should create a 3-foot “no-children zone” around your fireplace or any heating equipment. You should also keep candles out of reach of little ones, and keep a close eye on your children while they are playing in the same room as a fireplace or heating source. This can help avoid burns and other injuries.

Professional Heating Technicians in Los Angeles

Since 1927, Moe Plumbing Services has provided quality assistance to homeowners in the Los Angeles area. If your heater malfunctions, or you want to inspect the system to avoid dangerous situations during the holiday season, our team of Los Angeles heating technicians can help. We will arrive promptly and perform any repairs or maintenance that your system needs to ensure it will be safe and functional during your winter festivities.

For professional heating services, contact us today and schedule an appointment.
