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Get Ready for the New Year: Schedule Hydro Jetting


Importance of Hydro Jetting for Plumbing Maintenance

Hydro jetting plays an integral role in maintaining the health and longevity of your plumbing system. This high-pressure cleaning method effectively clears blockages and build-ups that can lead to serious plumbing issues if left untreated. By utilizing hydro jetting, you can prevent the gradual reduction of pipe capacity and prolong the lifespan of your system, saving you from costly repairs or replacements in the future.

Common obstructions that hydro jetting can help remove from your pipes:

  • Sediment and mineral build-up
  • Hair and soap scum accumulation
  • Tree roots invading the pipes
  • Food particles and grease in kitchen drains
  • Foreign objects accidentally flushed down the toilet

We recommend scheduling hydro jetting service every 2-3 years, depending on the age and condition of your pipes.

The Hydro Jetting Process: What to Expect

The hydro jetting process begins with a video inspection. Our plumbing professionals use specialized cameras to assess the condition of your pipes and identify any blockages. Then, we insert a hose connected to a water tank into your drain. This hose has a specialized nozzle that sprays water in multiple directions, allowing it to reach and clean all areas of your pipes. As the hose is retracted, it cleans the pipes by blasting water at high pressure, effectively removing even the most challenging obstructions.

The duration of the hydro jetting process largely depends on the complexity and severity of the blockage. A typical residential hydro jetting service can take around 2-4 hours. However, it's important to note that more severe or complex blockages might require additional time to ensure a thorough and effective cleaning.

Maintaining Your Sewer Line Post-Hydro Jetting

After undergoing a hydro jetting service, it's essential to maintain the health of your sewer line to prevent future blockages. One key aspect of this maintenance is being mindful of what you put down your sink. To help maintain clear pipes, avoid disposing of grease, oil, coffee grounds, or fibrous food waste in your sink. These items can coagulate and cause blockages over time. Also, avoid flushing non-biodegradable items down your toilet, such as wipes, dental floss, or cat litter.

If you notice any problems with your sewer line, we encourage you to call our plumbers as soon as possible. The sooner we can address an issue, the better.

Signs that your sewer line may have an issue include:

  • Slow-draining sinks, bathtubs, or toilets
  • Unpleasant odors coming from your drains or in your yard
  • The presence of rodents or pests attracted by sewage
  • Lush, green patches in your yard above your sewer line
  • Backups or overflows in your toilet or drains

By proactively monitoring these signs and practicing mindful disposal of waste, you can ensure your sewer line's long-term health and efficiency.

The Dangers of Corrosive Drain Cleaners

While it may be tempting to use corrosive drain cleaners to tackle stubborn clogs, these products can do more harm than good. Not only are they often ineffective at fully clearing blockages, but their harsh chemical composition can also damage your pipes over time. Repeated use of these corrosive cleaners can lead to a weakened plumbing system, potentially resulting in leaks, pipe failure, and expensive repair costs.

In short, hydro jetting is the better alternative when it comes to drain cleaning. Call Moe Plumbing Services to learn more.
